Results for 'Dorothy C. Shorr'

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  1.  34
    Early Venetian Painters 1415-1495The Christ Child in Devotional Images in Italy during the 14th CenturyTudor Artists: A Study of Painters in the Royal Service and of Portraiture on Illuminated Documents from the Accession of Henry VIII to the Death of Elizabeth IGiottoDelacroixMonet, Seurat, BonnardVermeer, MatisseRubensMusic in My TimeLiving Crafts. [REVIEW]F. M. Godfrey, Dorothy C. Shorr, Erna Auerbach, Yvon Taillander, Lucy Norton, Rosamund Frost, Anthony Page, Jean Pellotier, Raymond Cogniat, Gaston Diehl, A. Philippe-Lucet, Alfredo Casella, Spencer Norton & G. Bernard Hughes - 1955 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 14 (2):279.
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    Exposing Himself: Sweet Sweetback's Body.Dorothy C. Broaddus - 2003 - Paragraph 26 (1-2):213-221.
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    Charles Hartshome.Dorothy C. Hartshorne - 1973 - Process Studies 3 (3):179-227.
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  4. Way to Live: Christian Practices for Teens.Dorothy C. Bass & Don C. Richter - 2002
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    The Casey House model.Dorothy C. Ley - forthcoming - Journal of Palliative Care.
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  6. F19. Results of a 37-Nation Survey of Geneticists' Ethical Views.Dorothy C. Wertz - forthcoming - Bioethics in Asia: The Proceedings of the Unesco Asian Bioethics Conference (Abc'97) and the Who-Assisted Satellite Symposium on Medical Genetics Services, 3-8 Nov, 1997 in Kobe/Fukui, Japan, 3rd Murs Japan International Symposium, 2nd Congress of the Asi.
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  7. Moral reasoning among medical geneticists in eighteen nations.Dorothy C. Wertz & John C. Fletcher - 1989 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 10 (2).
    We surveyed the approaches of 661 geneticists in 18 nations to 14 clinical cases and asked them to give their ethical reasons for choosing these approaches. Patient autonomy was the dominant value in clinical decision-making, with 59% of responses, followed by non-maleficence (20%), beneficence (11%) and justice (5%). In all, 39% described the consequences of their actions, 26% mentioned conflicts of interest between different parties and 72% placed patient welfare above the welfare of others. The U.S., Canada, Sweden, and U.K. (...)
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    Cognition, Symbols, and Vygotsky's Developmental Psychology.Dorothy C. Holland & Jaan Valsiner - 1988 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 16 (3):247-272.
  9. Buddhism for the West: Theravāda, Mahāyāna and Vajrayāna; a comprehensive review of Buddhist history, philosophy, and teachings from the time of the Buddha to the present day.Dorothy C. Donath - 1971 - New York,: Julian Press.
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  10.  41
    Primary Bibliography of Philosophical Works.Dorothy C. Hartshorne - 2001 - Process Studies 30 (2):374-409.
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    Fatal Knowledge? Prenatal Diagnosis and Sex Selection.Dorothy C. Wertz & John C. Fletcher - 1989 - Hastings Center Report 19 (3):21-27.
    Moral and social arguments weigh heavily against performing medical procedures solely for purposes of sex selection. The medical profession has a responsibility to abandon its posture of ethical neutrality and take a firm stand now against sex selection.
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    (1 other version)Privacy and disclosure in medical genetics examined in an ethics of care.Dorothy C. Wertz & John C. Fletcher - 1991 - Bioethics 5 (3):212–232.
  13.  54
    Charles Hartshorne.Dorothy C. Hartshorne - 1976 - Process Studies 6 (1):73-93.
    The bibliography covers the years from january 1916 through february 1976. it lists, in philosophy, 14 books written or co-authored by charles hartshorne, six peirce volumes edited, with paul weiss, and 358 papers published in journals (approximately 100 different journals), symposia, anthologies, and "festschriften", including approximately 100 book reviews. in ornithology it includes one book and 12 papers published in ten different journals. the total number of items is 384.
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    Eugenics Is Alive and Well: A Survey of Genetic Professionals around the World.Dorothy C. Wertz - 1998 - Science in Context 11 (3-4):493-510.
    The ArgumentA survey of 2901 genetics professionals in 36 nations suggests that eugenic thought underlies their perceptions of the goals of genetics and that directiveness in counseling after prenatal diagnosis leads to individual decisions based on pessimistically biaed information, especially in developing nations of Asia and Eastern Europe. The “non-directive counseling” found in English-speaking nations is an aberration from the rest of the world. Most geneticists, except in China, rejected government involvement in premarital testing or sterilization, but most also held (...)
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    Preconception sex selection: A question of consequences.Dorothy C. Wertz - 2001 - American Journal of Bioethics 1 (1):36 – 37.
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    In focus. Has patient autonomy gone to far? Geneticists' views in 36 nations.Dorothy C. Wertz, John C. Fletcher, Irmgard Nippert, Gerhard Wolff & Segolene Ayme - 2001 - American Journal of Bioethics: Ajob 2 (4):W21 - W21.
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    No consensus worldwide.Dorothy C. Wertz - 2001 - American Journal of Bioethics 1 (3):14 – 15.
  18. Pádraig Ó Riain, ed., Corpus genealogiarum sanctorum Hiberniae. Dublin: Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, 1985. Pp. lxxviii, 347.£ 30. [REVIEW]Dorothy C. Africa - 1988 - Speculum 63 (1):204-207.
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    Charles Hartshorne: 1980 Bibliographical Addenda.Dorothy C. Hartshorne - 1981 - Process Studies 11 (2):108-150.
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  20.  27
    Ethics and Genetics: An International Survey.Dorothy C. Wertz & John C. Fletcher - 1989 - Hastings Center Report 19 (4):20-24.
  21.  27
    The Narrated Self: Life Stories in Process.James L. Peacock & Dorothy C. Holland - 1993 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 21 (4):367-383.
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  22. Coombs, Clyde H. &dquo; A Factorial Study of Number Ability. &dquo; Psychometrika, VI (1941), 161-89. In order to investigate certain hypotheses concerning the. [REVIEW]Dorothy C. Adkins - 1934 - The Eugenics Review 30 (4):255-60.
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    American Realists and Magic Realists.Dorothy C. Miller & Alfred H. Barr - 1943 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 2 (8):102-102.
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  24. Law and the Environment: A Multidisciplinary Reader.Robert V. Percival, Dorothy C. Alevizatos, Prue Taylor, Emmanuel Agius & Salvino Busuttil - 2001 - Environmental Values 10 (1):127-129.
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  25.  20
    Socializing Care: Feminist Ethics and Public Issues.Maurice Hamington & Dorothy C. Miller (eds.) - 2006 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Contributors to this volume demonstrate how the ethics of care factors into a variety of social policies and institutions, and can indeed be useful in thinking about a number of different social problems. Divided into two sections, the first looks at care as a model for an evaluative framework that rethinks social institutions, liberal society, and citizenship at a basic conceptual level. The second explores care values in the context of specific social practices or settings, as a framework that should (...)
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  26.  9
    Campus Nature Rx: How investing in nature interventions benefits college students.Donald A. Rakow & Dorothy C. Ibes - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
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    Medical Genetics.John C. Fletcher & Dorothy C. Wertz - 1988 - Hastings Center Report 18 (6):48-48.
  28.  34
    Improving Hospital Ethics Committees: Cross cultural concerns and their procedural implications.Dorothy C. Rasinski-Gregory, Ronald B. Miller & Fredric R. Kutner - 1989 - HEC Forum 1 (3):137-150.
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    Commentary on “the moral right to a surrogate decision”.Dorothy C. Rasinski-Gregory - 1990 - HEC Forum 2 (4):239-242.
  30.  24
    (1 other version)Geneticists and Sex Selection.Celia I. Kaye, John La Puma, Dorothy C. Wertz & John C. Fletcher - 1990 - Hastings Center Report 20 (4):40.
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    B-A learning as a function of degree of A-B learning.C. Michael Levy & Dorothy D. Nevill - 1974 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 102 (2):327.
  32.  28
    Symposium: The Concept of Energy.C. R. Morris & Dorothy Wrinch - 1925 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 5 (1):28 - 63.
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    Inclusion Is More Than an Invitation: Shifting Science Communication in a Science Museum.C. James Liu, Priya Mohabir & Dorothy Bennett - 2023 - In Elizabeth Rasekoala, Race and Sociocultural Inclusion in Science Communication: Innovation, Decolonisation, and Transformation. Bristol University Press. pp. 19-34.
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    The appearance-reality distinction and perspective taking with facial masks.Dorothy M. Gralow, Anne C. Cunningham, Curtis W. McIntyre & Stan A. Kuczaj - 1991 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 29 (4):313-316.
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    Indirectly direct: An account of demonstratives and pointing.Dorothy Ahn - 2022 - Linguistics and Philosophy 45 (6):1345-1393.
    There has been a long debate on whether demonstratives are directly referential as Kaplan originally argued, or indirectly referential like a definite description. I propose a new analysis of demonstratives that combines intuitions from both direct and indirect approaches. The demonstrative is analyzed as an indirectly referential expression with a binary maximality operator that takes two arguments, where the second argument can be a deictic pointing, an anaphoric index, or a relative clause. Direct reference is encoded not in the meaning (...)
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    Symposium: Can Philosophical Theories Transcend Experience?Dorothy Emmet, C. H. Whiteley & J. Laird - 1946 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 20 (1):198 - 232.
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  37.  3
    Sociological theory and philosophical analysis.Dorothy Mary Emmet & Alasdair C. MacIntyre (eds.) - 1970 - New York,: Macmillan.
    Concept and theory formation in the social sciences, by A. Schutz.--Is it a science? by S. Morgenbesser.--Knowledge and interest, by J. Habermas.--Sociological explanation, by T. Burns.--Methodological individualism reconsidered, by S. Lukes.--The problem of rationality in the social world, by A. Schutz.--Concepts and society, by E. Gellner.--Symbols in Ndembu ritual, by V. Turner.--Telstar and the Aborigines or La pensée sauvage, by E. Leach.--Groote Eylandt totemism and Le totémisme aujourd'hui, by P. Worsley.--Bibliography (p. 225-228).
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  38.  56
    Hegel, Women, and Hegelian Women on Matters of Public and Private.Dorothy G. Rogers - 1999 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 18 (4):235-255.
    This paper introduces America's first women Idealists and discusses their appropriation and reconfiguration of Hegel's public/private distinction. Through their philosophies of education two of these women, Susan E. Blow (1843--1916) and Anna C. Brackett (1836--1911), legitimized women's active involvement in public life. A third, Marietta Kies (1853--1899), put forth a political theory of altruism. Her theory anticipates feminist critiques of male-centered political theory and has important implications for today's ethic of care. Blow and Brackett were associates of William T. Harris (...)
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  39.  14
    America's First Women Philosophers: Transplanting Hegel, 1860-1925.Dorothy G. Rogers - 2005 - Continuum.
    The American idealist movement started in St. Louis, Missouri in 1858, becoming more influential as women joined and influenced its development. Susan Elizabeth Blow was well known as an educator and pedagogical theorist who founded the first public kindergarten program in America (1873-1884). Anna C. Brackett was a feminist and pedagogical theorist and the first female principal of a secondary school (St. Louis Normal School, 1863-72). Grace C. Bibb was a feminist literary critic and the first female dean at the (...)
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    Plato's Use of Extended Oratio Obliqua.Dorothy Tarrant - 1955 - Classical Quarterly 5 (3-4):222-.
    There are in Plato's dialogues several examples of long-continued oblique narration, which may repay study in relation both to his syntactical usages and to the development of his literary style. Two dialogues are based upon this construction. In the Symposium the whole framework, after a brief dramatic introduction , is in reported form; the Parmenides, after a shorter narrative introduction , sustains 0.0. up to 137 c, continuing as a dramatic interchange of speeches without covering construction.
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    Case Studies: The Price of Silence.Abbyann Lynch, John C. Fletcher, Dorothy Wertz, Andrew Czeizel, Francisco M. Salzano & Kåre Berg - 1990 - Hastings Center Report 20 (3):31.
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    Patient privacy protection among university nursing students: A cross-sectional study.Dorothy N. S. Chan, Kai-Chow Choi, Miranda H. Y. To, Summer K. N. Ha & Gigi C. C. Ling - 2022 - Nursing Ethics 29 (5):1280-1292.
    Background Protecting a person’s right to privacy and confidentiality is important in healthcare services. As future health professionals, nursing students should bear the same responsibility as qualified health professionals in protecting patient privacy. Objectives To investigate nursing students’ practices of patient privacy protection and to identify factors associated with their practices. Research design A cross-sectional study design was adopted. A two-part survey was used to collect two types of data on nursing students: (1) personal characteristics, including demographics, clinical experience and (...)
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  43.  13
    The Problem of Mental Deficiency: Eugenics, Democracy, and Social Policy in Britain, c. 1870-1959. Mathew Thomson.Dorothy Porter - 2000 - Isis 91 (4):802-804.
  44. Expressionism in Twentieth-Century Music.John C. Crawford & Dorothy L. Crawford - 1996 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 54 (1):93-94.
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    Short notices.A. C. F. Beales, R. F. Dearden, W. B. Inglis, R. R. Dale, Gordon R. Cross, John Hayes, S. Leslie Hunter, Robert J. Hoare, M. F. Cleugh, T. Desmond Morrow, Dorothy A. Wakeford, W. H. Burston, P. H. J. H. Gosden, Evelyn E. Cowie, Kartick C. Mukherjee, J. M. Wilson, H. C. Barnard & David Johnston - 1968 - British Journal of Educational Studies 16 (1):98-112.
  46. "Making Hegel Talk English": America's First Women Idealists.Dorothy G. Rogers - 1998 - Dissertation, Boston University
    This study is the first examination of the works and lives of the women of the St. Louis philosophical movement and Concord School of Philosophy , two branches of the same idealist movement in America that introduced German thinkers to the American reading public, particularly G. W. F. Hegel. The St. Louis branch of the movement focused primarily on education as a civilizing force in society. The concepts of "self-activity" and self-estrangement were seen as integral to the educative process and (...)
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  47.  28
    More Colloquialisms, Semi-Proverbs, and Word-Play in Plato.Dorothy Tarrant - 1958 - Classical Quarterly 8 (3-4):158-.
    THE following further instances and parallels, and additional usages, may supplement the colloquialisms, &c, in Plato's dialogues which were listed and studied in a former article. 1. Colloquialisms More examples and parallels for usages previously noted: Charm. 154 b 4, Crat. 418 b 8, Phaedo 92 d 4, Parm. 126 c 6, 127 b 1, Polit. 290 d 7, Laws 630 b 7.
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  48. The Nature of Mystical Experience: A Study in the Philosophy of W. T. Stace.Christine Dorothy Overall - 1980 - Dissertation, University of Toronto (Canada)
    Because of the two crucial problems just described, it is concluded that Stace's theory of the nature of mystical experience is inadequate. An alternative approach is outlined, which obviates the weaknesses in Stace's theory by combining C. J. Ducasse's distinction between connate and alien accusatives, with the suggestion by Gilbert Ryle and David Hamlyn that experiencing is like the exercise of a skill. Mystical experience, it is then proposed, is the exercise of the difficult yet rewarding acquired skill of experiencing (...)
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  49. Mellor on chance and causation. [REVIEW]Dorothy Edgington - 1997 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 48 (3):411-433.
    Mellor's subject is singular causation between facts, expressed ‘E because C’. His central requirement for causation is that the chance that E if C be greater than the chance that E if C: chc(E)>chc(E). The book is as much about chance as it is about causation. I show that his way of distinguishing chc (E) from the traditional notion of conditional chance leaves than him with a problem about the existence of chQ(P) when Q is false (Section 3); and also (...)
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    New books. [REVIEW]Dorothy M. Emmet, T. D. Weldon, J. O. Urmson, Stephen Toulmin, Arthur Thomson & C. J. Holloway - 1948 - Mind 57 (226):250-263.
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